Wednesday, July 20, 2011

CMC in Personal Relationships Chp13

This chapter explored distance and proximal relationships or DR and PR and team and romantic relationships. They began by defining and differentiating all the aspects of relationships and separation. The  consensus seem to be that DR of both team and romance could be mediated  through a variety of TMC just as successfully as PR. I would like to note that the explanation of TMC as broad term that encompasses CMC was greatly appreciated. The section on separation served to show that social presence could be achieved through DR under certain conditions.  Estabishing social presence seemed to be the most important factor in deeming a DR successful. I like that fact that our classes assertion that you had to pick the right channel of CMC to communicate your context successfully turned out to be right.  The authors use the term "task-technology fit" which I think is much more concise. In short distance relationships given the right form or combinations of forms of TMC can be equal to any proximal relationship and this applies to both romantic and team relationships.

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