Monday, July 25, 2011

CMC in Personal Relationships Chp15

Their are a lot of variables involved in how ICTs affect a the family dynamic. Their were a lot of concepts in this chapter that like other chapters followed common knowledge.  By this I mean the idea presented was something that we have seen before and accepted as true but without any researched or data to back it up. Adolescents and teens can be argumentative, introduce a new media with entertainment and information value and of course their is bound to be arguments about it. I noticed that cell phones were used for comparison in this chapter. I found it interesting that they were far more responsible for work-family spillover than the internet even though email is a primary means of business communication too. Also they mention "internet use is easier to control than cell phone use". I wonder are they only talking about cell phones in terms of ones that only making calls or do they include internet use on phones as well. Is the internet use they are talking about confined to use on a traditional computer? I can't remember them ever specifying. Also the comparison of cell phones and computers made me think. Cell phones have been around longer in family life than the internet as we know it today. Are the two ICTs not in different points of assimilation into the family dynamic? I found the question of where smart phones and tablets fit into this internet study bugging me the whole chapter. Throughout the chapter their are references to studies done all over the world. Family relations involving the internet and how it affected them seemed the be the thread. Does the difference in social and cultural norms between Korea and Australia change anything as opposed to doing it in just western or eastern countries?

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