Monday, July 11, 2011

Words&Minds Chp 3

The Given and the New
Here Mercer get into Knowledge. This chapter seemed to deviate a bit from the last 2 in that it was almost instructive more so than informative at times. I see the points that he is trying to make by concentrating on the field of education. Perhaps the points of how we recall and check the retention of knowledge could not be any more evident than in a classroom. I do think it was important not just to elaborate on how we use this in a classroom setting but also how it applies to regular conversation and human history. The classroom aspect, with it techniques such as recalling the last lesson before moving on I think are not new ideas, or at least shouldn't be new to any teacher. But understanding fully the implications of how they work and when to use them is a different matter. I also feel the bits on conversation flow were interesting because once you understand how a conversation works it becomes much easier to avoid common pitfalls or at least get back on track if you lose someone, a useful skill for any professional to have.

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